18 Telegram Russian Groups You Can Join

Looking for some Telegram Russian Groups? Lucky for you, we have a whole list of 17 such groups you can join and interact with people from Russia.

There are a lot of Russian groups on Telegram out there that you can join. But it is not possible for everyone to go and check every group to see if these groups are worthy or not.

This is why, to help you out, we have come up with this list of Telegram Russian Groups that you can join and enjoy your time.

There are a lot of amazing telegram groups you can join. But if you are interested in Russia, then the ones we are showing here are best for you. We have done the hard part – searching for the groups, now all you have to do is just go through them and see which one suits you the best!

We have listed the Telegram Russian groups based on their popularity so you get the best ones at the top. All of the groups shown here are great and can help you with anything you are looking for.

Let’s see which telegram Russian groups are deserving of your time here in this blog. Following are all the amazing groups you should join.

Best Russian Telegram Groups You Can Join

Here are the major Telegram Russian Groups you can join and enjoy the company of Russian people. They are friendly, entertaining, and helpful –

Telegram GroupJoining Link
Россия / RussiaJoin From Here
РусскиеJoin From Here
RussianStandardVodkaJoin From Here
Russian FriendsJoin From Here
English group / Russian groupJoin From Here
English Russian GroupJoin From Here
International English🇬🇧|🇷🇺 Group🎈Join From Here
Russian Drift SeriesJoin From Here
Big Russian BossJoin From Here
Russian MFA 🇷🇺Join From Here
Русская модаJoin From Here
Russia TravelJoin From Here
Russian Dating ClubJoin From Here
World 🌎 Wi-Fi 🇷🇺 RUSSIANJoin From Here
Russian VlDЕОJoin From Here
Learn RussianJoin From Here

Rules & Guidelines For Telegram Russian Groups

While joining these telegram Russian groups, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. These rules & guidelines will ensure a safe and supportive environment in the group.

These rules are set up by the admins and for your convenience, we are listing them down here –

#1. No Spamming or promotions

Posting anything spammy or promotional links that might compromise the safety and privacy of group members isn’t allowed.

#2. Respect The Members

Respecting every group member is a must. Don’t post anything disrespectful, derogatory, or abusive. Maintain the dignity of the group.

#3. Don’t share any external links.

If you think you can share external links to make some money in these groups, then don’t join them. You will be banned very soon.

#4. Don’t post anything disturbing or objectionable.

Make sure you don’t post anything which is disturbing or objectionable in these groups. Make sure you respect the country and its citizens with your words.

#5. Contact admins in case you have a problem.

If you have a problem, don’t talk about it to anyone else, just contact the admins straightaway. They will try to solve the problem for you.

Facts About Russia

In this section, we’ll learn some interesting facts about Russia – The country as a whole. If you are interested in traveling to Russia or going there for studies, this section will be helpful.

#1. Russia, situated in Asia, is the world’s largest country by Land area. It is a total of 17.1 million sq. km, equivalent to 11% of the world’s landmass.

#2. Russia spans 11 time zones across 2 continents – Asia and Europe. It also touches 3 oceans – the Arctic, the Pacific, and the Atlantic.

#3. Russia’s population is 140+ Million with 47% belonging to Christianity and 41% to Russian Orthodox Christianity.

#4. Russia was formerly known as USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which included a number of countries across Asia and Europe.

#5. Russia is the World’s Largest Exporter of oil to Global Markets. Also, it is the second largest crude oil exporter after Saudi Arabia.


There you have it folks! Top telegram Russian groups you can join right away and enjoy the company of Russian friends. These groups have been shared with an educational point of view and for awareness and friendship among the nations.

Please use these group links wisely. Make sure to follow all the rules and guidelines listed above and you will have a great experience in these groups.

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